John Doershuk, PhD
Dr. Doershuk is an archaeologist who works at UI in the role of State Archaeologist of Iowa, directing the Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA), a research center on campus established in 1959. Dr. Doershuk’s research on Iowa and midcontinental archaeology spans all time periods and cultural adaptations. In addition to his OSA Director activities, Dr. Doershuk works with undergraduate and graduate student assistants from many UI departments, including those supported by externally and internally funded grants and contracts as well as through independent studies, as volunteers, and as part of graduate committees. Dr. Doershuk teaches several UI courses:
- ANTH:3240 - Cultural Resource Management Archaeology: Practice and Practicalities (3 s.h., fulfills requirements in NAIS, Anthropology, and for the UI Sustainability Certificate)
- ANTH:3243 - Archaeology of the American Midcontinent (3 s.h., fulfills requirements in NAIS and Anthropology)
- IALL:1040 - Field Archaeology (4-week, 4 s.h. summer course through Iowa Lakeside Laboratory; fulfills requirements in Anthropology)
As defined in the Iowa Code, as State Archaeologist Dr. Doershuk has legal responsibility for the protection of ancient human remains in Iowa which also means that his unit serves as the point-of-contact for compliance with the federal Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Dr. Doershuk’s work through the OSA includes frequent consultation with American Indian tribal representatives as well as state and federal agency representatives involved with historic preservation and compliance issues.
Dr. Doershuk is the Director and State Archaeologist at the Office of the State Archaeologist.
Research Interests
- Archaeology
- Site Structure
- Archaic Hunter-Gatherers
- Late Prehistoric/Proto-Historic
- Settlement Patterns
- North America
- Archaeology