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The Department of Anthropology normally offers funding for four years, usually in the form of graduate assistantships (teaching and research assistant positions), to incoming graduate students. Applications for graduate assistantships can be found in your admissions profile in MyUI. Students should complete the application by January 1st to be considered for the following fall semester.
To support their dissertation research and writing, our students successfully apply to a variety of internal and external funding sources.
Funding source examples
Internal funding sources available through the University of Iowa
- Graduate College Fellowships
- Stanley Graduate Awards for International Research
- Center for Global & Environmental Research (for field research & conference travel)
External funding source
Recent and current Anthropology graduate students at the University of Iowa have received nationally competitive grants including:
- National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants
- Dissertation Fieldwork Grants from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
- Dissertation Research grants from the Leakey Foundation
- Predoctoral Fellowship from the Ford Foundation
- the Dissertation Writing Fellowship from the American Association of University Women
- Graduate Research Fellowship Program from the National Science Foundation.
Teaching assistantships
The department offers financial support to the majority of its graduate students, usually in the form of teaching or research assistantships. The duration of financial support can last multiple years provided the graduate student remains in good standing. Students making satisfactory and timely progress through the graduate program are considered to be in good standing. The amount and types of aid depend on departmental needs and the availability of funding. Notification in writing of a provisional financial award will be given to the student in the semester prior to the academic year or summer session for which the award has been granted. Each award is contingent upon maintaining satisfactory progress in the program. Financial support is normally given only to full-time students.
The Graduate College
The Graduate College offers a wealth of information about funding for graduate students through additional methods. You can learn more about funding your education on their site: