Glenn Storey, PhD
Associate Professor
View Current CV View List of Publications
I have two trends of current interest: 1) continuing research on the demography of ancient cities, especially of the Greco-Roman world, focusing on both the scale of gross population sizes combined with special attention to possible demographic reconstruction through funerary population analysis; 2) investigation of the economy of the Roman world, in the framework of world systems analysis, focusing on the evidence of artifacts as found in both Nijmegen, the Netherlands (site of a Roman legionary camp/city foundation) and a new site in central Sicily, Gangivecchio (a possible Greco-Roman cult site).
Research Interests
- Archaeological Demography
- The Archaeology of Urbanization
- Roman Frontier in Holland
- Roman Sicily
- The Economy of the Roman Empire
- Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar in Archaeology
Courses Taught
- 113:168 - Method and Theory in Archaeology
- 113:192 - Greek Archaeology and Ethnohistory
Affiliations and Links
- President, AIA Iowa Society
Research areas
- Archaeology
- European Archaeology