Hometown: Naches, Washington
Faculty mentor/advisor: Glenn Storey, Associate Professor, Classics
What is your degree program and expected graduate date?
PhD in Anthropology with expected graduation of Summer 2020
Please describe your research:
My dissertation research incorporates text, artwork, and material culture to investigate occupational roles available to women during the High Roman Empire. I utilize the concepts of sex, gender, and intersectionality in my analysis of the artifacts excavated from the site of Gangivecchio, Sicily to argue for the presence of a female-operated medical practice.
In simple terms, why does this research matter?
Since our knowledge of the past has predominantly come from the writings of privileged individuals (usually wealthy, powerful and educated males), my research aims to highlight the life experiences of those who are often ignored in the historical record. Archaeology allows us to give voice to other past experiences.
How soon after starting at the University of Iowa were you able to participate in research?
I was able to attend the archaeological field school my research is based on during the summer of my first year at the University of Iowa.
How has being involved in research made you more successful at the University of Iowa?
Since you never know what you will actually discover during an excavation, I have learned the importance of being flexible. Learning to adapt my hypotheses in the field has both broadened my research interests and helped me to be successful at the University of Iowa.
What are your career goals and/or plans after graduation?
I am currently applying for academic positions, where I hope to continue to teach and conduct research on the site of Gangivecchio.